Harness the Power of Hypnosis

Harness the Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a helpful tool to help you harness the power of one’s mind.  It has been readily used to help thousands of people quit harmful addictions or negative behaviors such as overeating.

Hypnosis also help individuals ease physiological pain, overcome fears, and even begin to heal from trauma.  In fact, a scientific study conducted by International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis demonstrated this practice have been proven to reduces one’s experience of pain by 75%.

Shadow Side of Hypnosis

However, hypnosis can also have a shadow side.  There have been stories of how malevolent practitioners used hypnosis to gain control over another person’s thoughts and actions.  There have been countless urban legends where a person under hypnosis enters a severe trance stance and only able to follow the controlling voice’s commands.

From bank robbery, to affairs, to murder these stories depict hypnosis as overtaking a person’s freewill so that another can act out bad fantasies with minimal, if any repercussions.

What Really is Hypnosis?

So, what really is hypnosis?  Is it something is used to help people heal and engage more fully with life?  Or is it a way for people to commit bad acts without fear of being held accountable?  Hypnosis, much like most things in life, is a dual-edged sword, and it up to people trained in its power to make a choice in how it is used.

Hypnosis is something that people can do daily, even without consciously being aware of the practice.  Consider being near a person you care about, and you want to go grab a bite to eat.  If you look at them and send them thoughts that you are craving Thai food, you may discover that they can receive those thoughts and suggests the new hot spot for Pad Thai!

If you are dealing with a complete stranger, you might carefully observe this person’s habits.  Next time you see them, find way of weaving in frequently used words or mirroring their body language to facilitate them developing a sense of familiarity with you.  Don’t be surprised if this ‘research’ leads you to opportunities for saving or networking, due to this person getting “a good vibe” from you.

Another strategy is employing hypnosis through the use of sharing a story.  When a person become engrossed in a movie, song or book they can find their sense of self meshing with the characters.  By weaving brief narratives into your conversations, you can influence the mind of your listener.  This is also true when you want to use reverse psychology to produce a desirous outcome for yourself.  When someone gets told ‘no’ or ‘wait’ enough times they will begin to crave the item or scenario even more.

It takes years to understand and learn hypnosis.  When you want to use hypnosis on another person, be very clear and careful with your intentions.  The more succinct and clear you are with your intention the most likely you can be to steer the future interactions, so you get an ideal outcome.

Also, freewill is very import to the Universal Energy Flow, and anything negative, may karmatically come back to you in the future! Remember, the subconscious is always more powerful than one’s conscious mind.

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