When Being Alone Causes You Anxiety

Being Alone Causes You Anxiety

Time and again people have reported extreme unhappiness with their current relationships. They say they aren’t happy with the way things are going, and that their mate may be unfaithful and that try as they might, they can’t seem to get things improved. These people also don’t want to split from their partner because they don’t want to be alone.

This is not uncommon for both men and women. Why is everyone so afraid of solitude?  It is not unlike how a child feels when they are left alone, unable to care for themselves. A baby can’t change or feed themselves, so they feel panic. An adult can take care of themselves, even if they don’t want to.

When you are an adult, you can certainly take care of yourself, but if you have given much of your power to a partner, you can create a fear of being alone.  If you have been taking full care of yourself, being in tune with what you want and need, you won’t fear being all alone.

Why Fear Being Alone?

Ask yourself, why do fear being alone? Is it because you miss being in control of someone? Do you have a history of manipulating others with tears or rage.  Do you put up with an intolerable amount of abuse and mistreatment?  Do you push this aside because any misery is better than being alone?

Giving Up On Yourself

The truth behind this is that we are only truly alone when we give up on ourselves.  This is why we feel alone when we are in an unproductive relationship.  In this type of relationship, when we are unable to make a connection, we feel even more lonely than if we were actually alone.

Connecting with Yourself

When you connect with yourself and your own guidance, you will never be alone.  Being deeply in tune with yourself will help you to never fear loneliness. As a matter of fact, you will find more joy than ever before, just because you are alone to do what you need to do to have a better and more fulfilled life.

Find things to do in your life that can help you to feel happy and whole such as:

  • Finding a fun hobby.
  • Taking a class.
  • Meeting new friends.
  • Spending time with family.
  • Working on self-care.
  • Embrace your job.
  • Create a sacred place inside of your home.


When you connect and commit to becoming a better, loving adult, you can improve every facet of your life.  If you are unsure of how to do this, you can consult a spiritual advisor or life coach.

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