The Unique Traits of Indigo People

Indigo People

You may have heard about indigo children or indigo people, but not be certain what the term means or if you have ever met an indigo person. If you are curious to know more, read on. To begin with, you must understand the indigo era which was a concept was first initiated in early 2016 by the cofounder of LetterOne and a businessman Mikhail Fridman.

The indigo era was driven by creativity in which abnormal individuals could experience economic achievement and increased human potential. It is an era where the key source of national wealth is economic infrastructure not the resource rent. According to Fridman, an indigo era is one which will generate more winners and losers as countries adapt to changing patterns.

Who Are Indigo People?

Some people are identified as indigo because they hold a deep understanding of spirituality from the moment they are born. Caretakers can often identify indigo children very young. By comparison, indigo adults are energetic, intelligent, curious, and attempt to bring challenge to the world.

They are often labeled as different, but do not mind this label, instead feeling proud to stand out in society. The term indigo is used because it describes the person’s aura shade. This is the same color mentioned in the chakras and is believed to represent a connection to spiritual realms.

Overview of Indigo People

The term indigo people is not new but originated in the New Age movement of the early 60s and 70s culture. A change in this term happened once again in the 90s as the new generation started discovering spirituality within the changing system.

Other terms have emerged to describe indigo children and include crystal children or star seed for those who have been incarnated several times. Both indigo children and adults tend to receive a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Some anthropologists believe it is not a psychological problem, but something due to their belief system and feel it is natural.

Characteristics of Indigo Adults

There are several attributes of indigo people that may be unknown. While there is no specific test to identify an indigo person, they often have creative skills and strong intuition that make them feel they do not fit into the world as it exists. Several of these traits are shared below.

Extreme Creativity – Indigo people are musicians, artists, and innovators. They are flexibly minded and inspired. Whatever activity they are passionate about will receive their full attention and energy.

Extreme Curiosity – Indigo people are natural explorers. They want to know the how and why of everything and do not hold to the old concepts of systems and structures.

Forgiving – When hurt by false accusations or lies, indigo people tend to choose to understand and forgive. This loving nature helps them realize that no one is perfect.

Childish and Innocent – Indigo people enjoy music and arts and are known for their childish naughtiness. This never-ending desire for fun is in their nature.

Strong Intuition – Indigo people are strongly connected to the living world and are highly perceptive. They will sometimes make predictions that relates to the reality of a person without any prior knowledge.

Love the Natural – Indigo people are attracted to the outdoors and nature preferring a walk on the beach to a crowded theater or bar.

Their Heart is Their Own – The indigo people belong only to themselves and are resistant to guidelines or orders set by others.

Honesty and Clarity – Indigo people often feel and know something is right or wrong and can relate people and places to bad vibes or energy with ease. Indigo adults are honest and become angry when people try to hide things from them.

Extreme Intelligence – Indigo people may not achieve good grades but are still highly intelligent. The lessons in school do not often blend well with their personality because they learn through life experiences.

Highly Sensible – Indigo people are sensitive to others and their surroundings. This can easily lead to depression and emotional issues. They may also experience food sensitivity.

Easily Frustrated – Indigo people can easily get angry with others who intend to do something wrong. The anger and frustration is typically directed inward, especially when they are told their intuition is incorrect.

Love for All – Indigo people treat everyone equally and even if they are a bit introverted, they show immense love to those close to them.

Aim to Make a Difference – Indigo people are often activists and want to change the world for the better. They enjoy social work.

Indigo people may also share some common physical traits, though physical traits alone should not be used to judge indigo status. These include having blue or green eyes, light skin color no matter race, ageless beauty, a possible physical disability usually involving the legs or spine, and possible androgenous appearance.

Some famous indigo people you may know include Hrithik Roshan, Kurt Cobain, Josephine Wall, and Enya.

People identified as indigo are always at their best and devote their energy, time, and life to benefit others. They feel unique from others and always think outside the box. While not perfect, indigo people have opened the minds of others to look toward more spiritual horizons. It is our responsibility to care for them.

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  1. So now if I don’t like crowded theaters and have a creative streak, I might be an indigo person? What’s next? Getting a certificate of authenticity? This whole concept seems like another attempt to make people feel special for simply being different.

  2. The concept of indigo people is quite fascinating! It’s refreshing to see a positive portrayal of individuals who often think outside the box and challenge societal norms. Their creativity and strong intuition are traits that society could benefit from embracing more fully.

  3. Oh great, now we have a new term to inflate people’s egos—’indigo people.’ What’s next, ‘Chartreuse Champions’? It’s almost laughable how we’re constantly trying to classify and label every little idiosyncrasy.

  4. Historically, the term ‘indigo children’ stems from the New Age movement and has been a subject of debate among psychologists and anthropologists. While some attribute exceptional traits to these individuals, others believe it might simply be a way to explain certain developmental behaviors.

  5. I’m incredibly skeptical about this indigo children phenomenon. It seems to pathologize normal human behavior under the guise of spirituality. It’s particularly concerning that ADHD is being romanticized rather than treated appropriately.


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