Do You Have Spirits In Your Home?

Spirits In Your Home

Do you have strange things going on in your home and wonder if you have ghosts or spirits there? Sometimes, some spirits have not crossed over to the other side yet, so they end up in homes. These can be spirits such as gnomes, angels, spiritual guides, earth spirits, and more.

These spirits can cause spiritual activity, and if you have one in your home, you don’t have to be afraid of them. The first thing that you need to do is to trust your intuition to guide you. If you feel that there are energies in your home, there probably are.

Most of the time, when you have a spirit, it could be a loved one who died. Other chances are that it could be someone from your land or your community. Some spirits are there because the veil can be thin, and they might come and decide to stay for a while.

There are ways to tell if you have a spirit in your home and if you are concerned about this, there are things you can do to clear this energy.

How to Tell if You Have a Spirit In Your Home

Here are some ways that you can tell if you have a spirit in your home:

  • Movement

Sometimes, a spirit will move things such as toys, open windows, open doors, or move things that you have not touched in a while. They can move objects in thin air.

  • Changes in Pressure

You might feel a change in the pressure around you, such as the temperature gets cold or warm or the room begins to feel heavy. These signs can mean that energies have come into the rea.

If you don’t see anyone physically, chances are that the air changes so you can know that a spirit is present. Some people report getting cold or hot, and others feel light or heavy.

  • Electronics Change

Spirits can use the electrical currents to show someone that they are around. They can manipulate this energy and do it to get your attention. Some ways that they do this include:

    • Lights going on and off.
    • Television coming on and off.
    • Television changing channels.
    • Getting old texts or weird phone calls.

These are signs that there are spirits around you, and they are changing the energies around you.

  • Hearing Noises

Some people report hearing noises such as someone moving around the home, objects moving, cabinets or doors opening or closing, and other noises. These noises can mean that a loved one who has passed away is trying to get your attention.

Sometimes they will make noises to show you that they are there because they want to get your attention. If no one else can hear these sounds, you might have clairaudience as a psychic gift.

  • Pets

Your pets might be able to sense spirits in your home. If you notice your pet looking in a corner or acting differently out of nowhere, this can mean that you have a spirit in your home. Animals can also sense when someone or something enters a room. They might bark or act differently when residual energies come.

  • Children Confirm It

Children are also sensitive to energies. If a child tells you that they saw their grandmother or someone else who has died, chances are they are seeing spirits. They might even be able to talk to these spirits because children are often clairvoyant. Sometimes, children are born with Clair gifts and are sensitive to the energies around them.

  • Shadows

People sometimes see shadows when a spirit enters the room. They see these shadows because they are able to become shadows. This can be a spirit guide, animal guide, or other kinds of spirits. Sometimes, you will see a shadow leaving a dark room, and this can indicate that you have a spirit in your home.

  • Being Touched

If you are sensitive to spirits, you might be able to feel them when they walk by you or touch you. A spirit that hasn’t passed to the other side might come into the room and touch you. This is a rare occurrence, but it does happen sometimes, especially to people with Clair gifts.

  • Feeling Someone Is There

If you feel that someone is in the room with you, or you feel that someone is watching you, then you might have a spirit watching you. Sometimes they are curious, and they want to come in and just see who you are and what you are doing.

Other times, spirits watch people and their property. These could be spirits that are connected to your land for some reason. These are called tutelary deities. Not all watchers are bad, and sometimes, they are spirit guides.

Some people like having these spirits around, and they will sometimes call them to come and stay at their home’s entrance. They will put artifacts there and call on their energy to protect them.

  • Hearing Things

Some people have clairaudience as their gift, which means clear hearing. They are able to hear into the spiritual world. When they do this, they can hear talking, singing, mumbling, and other sounds that a spirit might make.

The sounds can be muffled or clear, and they can sound like someone is talking through a wall, underwater, or on the radio. These voices are often external and sound far away.

Final Thoughts

If you notice any of the above things, chances are that you might have a spirit in your home. If you do, other people might be able to sense the spirit as well. These spirits sometimes come to cause a ruckus, or they come to help you and to show you who they are.

Spirits are good at staying hidden, and sometimes, you might not even notice them. If they make a way for you to notice them, then this is probably because they want your attention.

One thing you can do is try to figure out what kind of spirit is in your home. Ask them to tell you who they are and what they want. Then if you don’t want them to be there, you can clear your space and set boundaries so the spirits leave. Chances are that these spirits want to cross over, and they might even need your help. Some things that you can do include:

  • Reiki.
  • Cleansing.
  • Energy cleansing.
  • Calming activities.
  • Meditation.
  • Smudging.

The spirit might be someone you know, and you can put up a picture of them in your home to honor them and show them that you miss them and love them.

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  1. This article is fascinating! It’s incredible to think there might be spirits or energies that we can sense. I’ve always felt something mysterious in my home, and this explains a lot.

  2. This is preposterous. The article reads like a medieval treatise on witchcraft. Are we really discussing gnomes and spirit guides in the 21st century?

  3. Oh great, now I have even more things to worry about in my home. Just what I needed, another reason to jump at every noise or flicker of light!

  4. This article provides an interesting perspective on paranormal activities. It’s important for people to listen to their intuition as it can often guide us in ways science cannot.

    • Indeed, Pamela. Our intuition is a powerful tool that we often overlook. Sometimes, the things we can’t see or explain have the most profound impact on our lives.

  5. Is it just me or does this sound like the plot of every haunted house movie ever? Next thing you know, we’ll be summoning spirits with Ouija boards.

  6. I once heard an old text notification sound from my phone, only to find an unreadable message. After reading this, I’m convinced it was my late grandmother trying to reach out.

  7. I’m skeptical about all this. It seems more like a collection of superstitions rather than anything based on scientific evidence.

    • Brenda, while it’s true there’s no hard science backing it up, it’s also about personal experiences and beliefs. Everyone has their own understanding of these phenomena.

  8. If only I could call on a spirit to take my trash out or cook dinner. On a serious note, spirits or not, maintaining a peaceful home environment is crucial.


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