Curses, Witchcraft and Psychic Scams

Curses, Witchcraft and Psychic Scams

People love to have answers and they love to be able to talk to someone about their problems. When you have these feelings, chances are you might be considering getting a psychic reading.

Below are things you need to know when getting a reading:

If you have been to a reading and you are feeling fearful or scared, you are likely feeling terrified and panicked or even anguished when getting an intuitive reading because you are most probably working with a fake intuitive who is looking forward to instilling fears in you and use them for their own gain.

Some psychic individuals use their accurate intuitive gifts for nefarious purposes. The fact that you might be given accurate reading does not mean that an individual is not a scam or that they are not going to try to scam you later.

Here are some things you should know:

  • It costs thousands of dollars to source special eggs, salt, and candles.
  • The death of your loved one or your own death cannot be caused through a curse.
  • Nobody can stop you from finding love or make your relationship fail through a curse.

Of course, there are individuals who cast spells and curses on others. However, these curses don’t affect us since they don’t have real power to even cast a curse.

We cannot experience bad things just because another person agrees to it.

It’s our behaviors, words, thoughts, and actions that trigger the things that happen to us. The other remaining things are in the hands of God, not other individuals.

I trust that before we even get here, once we’re incarnated, our souls may put in place specific conditions, relationships, and events that we are likely to come across. This will enable us to have specific encounters and learn specific lessons.

These experiences and lessons revolve around themes that are likely to be carried over from one lifetime to the next.

It does not mean I’m cursed if somebody wrongs me in the current generation and I give them too much power over me. It might mean that I’m just here to transcend since I am slipping into old patterns of victimhood.

Therefore, you need to be cautious about going to a psychic to help you to get rid of a curse or a hex because chances are, you are falling for a scam.

Finally, this scam follows a pattern

If you go for reading to a clairvoyant who doesn’t charge much money, to my experience it is frequently a psychic who works out of a new-age shop.

  • She makes accurate predictions about you and your life, and you begin to trust her abilities.
  • She says that it’s a curse that was supposedly cast by someone else is the thing affecting your relationship and making you unhappy.
  • She will ask for a large amount of money so that she can release the spell. And if you don’t give her the cash, she will try to threaten you that there are things that are likely to happen to you.
  • She is likely to come back and tell you the curse removal didn’t work just to get more money.
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  1. Utter nonsense. If people are gullible enough to believe in curses and psychics, they deserve to lose their money. This article just preys on the same fears it condemns. Ridiculous.

  2. So, if you’ve ever been swindled by a psychic, just remember, it’s not the curse; it’s your wallet that’s cursed! Seriously though, let’s leave the supernatural to horror movies and focus on real solutions like therapy or talking to a friend!

  3. This is an insightful piece that sheds light on the darker side of psychic readings. It’s crucial to educate people on potential scams, as the emotional toll of falling prey to such tactics can be quite severe. Awareness is key.

  4. Oh, here we go again! Another article telling us to be wary of psychics. Sure, some might be fakes, but dismissing the entire field as scams is a bit too easy, don’t you think? Some people genuinely benefit from these readings. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

  5. According to psychological studies, the human brain is wired to seek patterns and explanations, especially in times of distress. This cognitive bias often leads individuals to seek out psychics. While some may find comfort, it’s critical to approach these services with caution due to the potential for exploitation.


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