How to Prepare for the Big Change

Prepare for the Big Change

How many times are you shocked when a disaster happens like a relationship ends or the end of your career? Did you foresee it going to happen? What if I told you the signs that something might happen were there in front of you or that you can know before it surprises you? Well, you can, and it is possible.

We know that we go through routine and every routine has a start, middle and end that is fueled by energy. What stage of the cycle we are in, and how much of the energy is available, shows up for us in three different areas:


Have you ever noticed how your body responds when you start something new and exciting? It’s almost as if your body is being pulled forward without any exertion. What happens when that energy starts to dissipate? It’s almost as if you have to be pushed along from behind, right? The exertion is evident.

You may not be a morning person, but can you tell how much easier it is to get out of bed when you are getting up for something that you are looking forward to? Your body is an acute barometer for the energy fueling aspects of your life. Do you notice fatigue or inertia as a response before you see a long-time love? Your body gives your signs to look out for. They mean big changes are on the horizon.


Where does your mind go when it wanders? Are you looking back to the past, fondly looking to recapture what you remember? Are you thinking about the future, imagining if certain changes can be made to make everything great? You should be focused on living in the present. If you were and now, you’re not, it’s a sign that big changes are coming.

But what about imagination? That is a good thing, right? Yes, as long as your imagination is getting you to act in your present. If your imagination comes up with a great idea that improves your work life, that’s a good sign. If your imagination makes you a better lover and shakes up your love life for the better, that’s healthy. If your thoughts affect your present, it means you’re safe on solid ground.


How happy are you most of the time? Think about what’s going on in your life right now. On a scale of 1 – 10, are you pretty satisfied? What’s normal for you? We start to notice more drama when we have to find ways to amplify the energy. When we don’t want to see what is in front of us (because change is still often a four-letter word in our hearts), we create conditions similar to excitement. It’s similar, but less satisfying when we are reaching for the spontaneity that brings genuine delight and joy.

How much of the routine activities (dates or dinners or weekly business meetings) bring you satisfaction and enjoyment? If the habitual engages a flatness, or you start to notice you need more, the clock is ticking.

These areas are all within your expertise and your awareness. When we close off our awareness to any of these areas, we put ourselves in the position of being surprised. The trigger seems to get pulled by someone else and that gets our attention. Yet, you actually have everything you need to get the tip-offs that will show you that you are ready for the next big changes. Start noticing. And remember, I am here to help you read those signs.

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  1. So basically, if I’m feeling tired and daydreaming, my world is about to implode? Sounds a bit too mystical for my taste, but hey, if it works for you!

  2. This article serves as a compelling reminder that mindfulness and self-awareness can provide foresight into life’s changes. It’s a valuable read for those seeking to better navigate their personal and professional lives.

  3. Oh great, now I can predict my future by checking if I’m happy or tired. Just what I needed, more reasons to overthink my life! Thanks, I guess?

  4. A remarkable exploration of human self-awareness. It’s fascinating how our physical, mental, and emotional states can serve as indicators of impending change. This article provides an insightful framework for introspection.

  5. While the content aims to be insightful, it comes across as overly simplistic. Human emotions and changes are far too complex to be boiled down to mere energy levels and routine.


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