Can You Trust Your Partner in Life?

Trust Your Partner in Life

We have all been there; your new relationship is off to great start, and you are beginning to think that this be the one. In the back of your mind, you start to wonder if you can really put your trust, not to mention your heart, in the care of this person?

While you can see the value and honesty of someone as it evolves with your relationship as time passes, there are a few ways to let you know if you should proceed.

The Motivation behind the lie

There are so many reasons people lie, but the most common one is self-preservation.  People lie to so to cover up past embarrassments and failings.  People also lie to control their current situation.  These lies can be as little as pretending they like something their partner has made when they really don’t.

The lies can also be huge like cheating on their partner or hiding things from them. The main problem with this is that the more someone gets away with the lie, the more lies they will tell.

Put it to the test

You can always test your mate.  Ask them to do something if they say they will do it and do it in a timely fashion, chances are that they are worth your trust.   This can be as simple as returning calls when they say they will and showing up when they say they will attend events that are important to you.

Listen to how they interact with other people

If your mate talks badly about other people, it’s possible that they treat you the same way.  It is difficult to hear (or not) but it is important to know if they are as respectful to you when you are not there as when you are.


If you are in a committed relationship and you start having money problems or notice money missing, your partner may have a problem with gambling or other addictions.  If their behavior suddenly changes, they may be hiding something from you. If they start to isolate you by keeping you away from your friends and family, they may be trying to protect themselves from the truth.

Dig a little more deeply

If you are just starting out with someone, do a little research.  Check out their online presence. Ask their friends to tell you about some stories from their past.  This can be done gently and politely. If no one is willing to tell you simple stories from the past, watch your partner’s interaction with them.

The ultimate trust

If you don’t fully trust your partner, will you be able to relax and truly be with them.  Real intimacy comes with trust and honesty.  If they are insincere, how can you be who you are really are?

This is not to say you have to interrogate everyone when you start dating them.  If there is doubt from the get-go, you may not ever be able to fully trust them. Of course, this means you have to worthy of their trust as well.

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  1. While the author makes some valid points, I find it somewhat ironic that we need guides on how to trust someone. Shouldn’t trust be an organic part of forming a relationship? If you have to dig deeply into someone’s past, maybe the issue lies more with your own insecurities.

    • Therese, I agree with you to some extent, but in today’s world, where deception can be so easily hidden, a little caution doesn’t hurt. It’s not about insecurity; it’s about being prudent.

  2. I can’t believe people actually need to be told this. If you need to test your partner like this, maybe there’s already a problem. Trust should come naturally in a relationship, otherwise, what’s the point?

  3. This article serves as a valuable guide for those navigating new relationships. It emphasizes practical techniques grounded in behavioral observation and interpersonal dynamics, which can substantiate, or refute, one’s trust in a partner. An excellent read for those who seek a more analytical approach to relationship building.

  4. This is a very insightful article. Trust is indeed the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship, and these tips are quite practical. Understanding the motivations behind lies and observing behavior can really help in gauging someone’s true character.

  5. Oh sure, let’s all become private detectives in our relationships now! Next, we’ll be hiring PIs before the third date. Who needs authentic conversations and mutual respect when you can just investigate someone’s past online? Pure genius!


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