When Everything Seems to Fail

Everything Seems to Fail

There will come a time that you’ll have one of those days, weeks, months or even years where you feel like nothing’s going right. It’s a helpless and overwhelming time. In fact, you might be going through that time right now… If you are, consider these six self-care tips. Not only will they help you cope when things are going wrong, they’ll also help you see the light at the end of this tumultuous tunnel.

  1. Get Some Rest
    When things are going wrong, it’s difficult to envision a better time. In fact, everything tends to feel like a big deal that you have to deal with right away! If you’re exhausting yourself with worry, you need to rest.

If you’re feeling hopeless and if you’re filled with worry and fear, take a break, and take a nap. And if you feel like you can’t sleep, do other restful activities or activities that relieve stress. Give yourself permission to disengage, even if it’s just for a little while.

  1. Avoid the Victim Mindset
    It’s easy to feel like a victim when it feels like the world is against you. But once you take on the victim mindset, you tell yourself that there is nothing you can do to help yourself; you are no longer in control of your destiny.

As a result, you’ll lose the opportunity to learn, grow and change from this experience. Instead of accepting your fate and complaining about it, take action. Seek the advice of a trusted friend, psychic, or other confidante. And above all, keep trying because you are the only person who can get you through a difficult time when things are going wrong.

  1. Prepare for Something Better to Come

Even if you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, it doesn’t mean things won’t get better. When things are going wrong, you should look at it as an opportunity to improve your circumstances. You have the chance to make your life better and it will get better, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

  1. Slow Down and Course Correct
    If things are going wrong, perhaps you need a new plan. Working hard only gets you so far, and if you are working hard on the wrong things, you may have to change things up to get yourself on the right path. Take some time to slow down, look at your current situation, and do any course correcting needed so you can proceed full steam ahead.
  2. Rediscover the Blessings in Your Life
    When everything’s going wrong, we tend to forget about the things that are going right. Yes, even when life isn’t working in your favor, there are still things to be thankful for. It’s time to rediscover what’s still good about your life.

Grab a pen and some paper and make a list of what’s good. It could be anything from the comfortable pair of yoga pants you’re wearing while having the flu, or the awesome back rub you got from a loved one while going over your debt.

  1. Avoid Negative People
    Some people will build you up when everything’s going wrong; other people will bring you down. Whether they have negative, unhelpful opinions, or they just enjoy feeding off of your drama, these people know how to make a bad situation worse. It’s best to just avoid them, rather than let them feed your misery.
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  1. I must respectfully disagree with the notion of avoiding the ‘victim mindset.’ Sometimes, acknowledging our suffering can be the first step toward healing. This article fails to consider the complexities of the human psyche and trivializes some very real struggles.

  2. What a delightful and uplifting article! Sometimes, it’s so easy to forget that taking a step back can actually propel us forward. The emphasis on self-care and positivity really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing these invaluable tips!

  3. The advice to ‘prepare for something better to come’ is often overlooked but crucial. Optimism combined with strategic planning can indeed transform a challenging period into an opportunity for personal growth. A very thoughtful piece!

  4. I find this overly simplistic and borderline naive. Life’s problems cannot be solved by just ‘taking a nap’ or ‘avoiding negative people.’ While these tips might work in trivial scenarios, they are hardly a panacea for real, deep-rooted issues.

  5. Oh, fantastic! So when life gives me lemons, I just need to make a gratitude list and nap my way to happiness! Who knew solving life’s existential crises could be so rudimentary? Seriously, what’s next? Dance like nobody’s watching? 🙄


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