Winning Back Your Old Flame

old love

Finding romance is hard enough but getting back to old romance seems quite impossible. Many people go their entire lives without once feeling true love. If you are luckily enough to have found your soul mate then, you have to do everything in your power to get him back. It is your duty to yourself not to let true love walk out of the door.

You may think that winning him back is impossible, that you’ll embarrass yourself trying and that it’s not worth it. Push those thoughts out of your mind. They will hold you back. Focus on what you need in your life, you need love. Here is how to win that man back today.

Step 1: Show Your Success

Men find successful women attractive. If you sit around in dirty clothes, eating pizza after the break up – why would he want you back? Instead, make sure you’re productive. Work hard at both your career and your personal life. Ensure that the next time you see him you have a million and one exciting new things to tell him about you.

Showing that you are successful in your own right, will prove to your ex that you don’t need him to do well. When he realizes that you are fine without him, he will want you back. It is basic psychology, but it works.

Whether it is a promotion at work or a new craft project you have started, ensure you have things going on. The worst thing you can do show him that you miss him as this will likely drive him away.

Step 2: Master the Art of Text

In the modern world, texting is the fastest way to talk to someone. In the past, you may have believed that texting a man irritated them. That is not always the case. You can use your phone to manipulate your ex into wanting you back. The art of the text is quite difficult to master, but once you have, you will have your ex-boyfriend begging at your feet for you to take him back.

Using specific romance psychology, you can learn how to send him texts, which will drive him insane and back into your arms. Take a look at some “Text Your Ex-Back” examples, which will give you guidance in the area.

Step 3: Date Another Guy

Dating another guy when you have just broken up with the love of your life may be the last thing you want to do. Did you know that by dating someone else you can make your ex want you back? Men are like children and, unfortunately, they think of women as toys. If another man picks up their old toy, (that is you – sorry) they will want it back.

Go out with a new man and let everyone know about it. You can find potential dates on many dating apps. Post photos of the two of you all over Facebook and watch your ex-boyfriend get jealous.

When your ex-boyfriend thinks that you are out of his reach, he will want you back. Ensuring that he believes you have moved on is a great way to win him back. Men are tribal and jealous by nature, so seeing what they consider theirs with someone else will drive them insane.

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  1. I find this article rather reductive and somewhat offensive. The idea that all men are simpletons driven solely by jealousy and possessiveness is antiquated and diminishes the complexity of human relationships. True love cannot be rekindled through such manipulative and superficial means.

  2. Ah, the art of the text! It’s like playing 4D chess with your ex’s emotions. While the methods described may work for some, they seem to trivialize genuine emotions and relationships. Shouldn’t love come from mutual respect and understanding rather than these ‘game-playing’ tactics?

  3. This piece is quite enlightening! The psychological aspects behind rekindling romance, especially the part about showing success, are spot-on. It’s about time someone highlighted the importance of self-improvement in relationships. Kudos to the author for providing actionable steps!

  4. Step 3: Date Another Guy – Seriously? Nothing says true romance like turning your love life into an episode of ‘The Bachelor.’ If I had known manipulating someone’s jealousy was the key to a healthy relationship, I would have gotten a PhD in soap operas!

  5. Oh, how charming. Let’s all play mind games and treat relationships like a second-grade playground. The notion that men view women as ‘toys’ is not only dated but also incredibly demeaning. This advice is more likely to breed mistrust and resentment than any form of true reconciliation.


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