5 Myths About Men and Sex

Myths About Men and Sex

There’s a lot of myths when it comes to men’s sexuality. And oftentimes we believe in some of them. Whether your belief comes from experience or hearsay, I can say there’s a little chance that it is true. Do you think men always want to have more than one woman in their life? Do you think they want more sex than women? Do you think they started their sexual peak during their younger years?

It’s time we set things straight! Here’s the truth behind five common men’s sexuality myths.

Men’s Sexuality Myth #1: They Are Having More Sex Than Women

Most surveys suggest that men think about sex more than women. However, most surveys also suggest that single women are having more sex than single men. In fact, single women are more likely to have sex within any given year than the average bachelor. There is also evidence that men are more likely to lie while taking sex surveys.

While a woman may have no problem admitting that sex is not an absolute priority in her life, a man may not feel like he has that same option. The truth is most men assume everyone is having sex. But the actual data suggests it’s closer to 75% (25% of college-aged men could be virgins), according to surveys conducted by the University of Alberta and Playboy magazine.

Men’s Sexuality Myth #2: They Don’t Value Monogamous Relationships

Before you point fingers at all the men cheating on their partners, know that there are a good number of women cheating on their partners too. And when it comes to surveys about cheating, the women who take them aren’t necessarily being truthful about the affairs they’ve had. And even more interesting is the opinion among some that women are better able to juggle multiple lovers, keeping them a secret from their partners, and have less guilt after cheating.

Men’s Sexuality Myth #3: The Average “Happy Stick” is Six Inches 

When it comes to size, men lie. They lie about how many partners they’ve had, their height and the size of their “Happy Stick.” Sure, six inches seems like a good size—average even—but the truth is that six inches is actually above average. When surveyed, men claimed they rang in somewhere between 5.6 and 6.4 inches. But when they were actually measured, their results were significantly shorter. It turns out that average is somewhere between 4.7 and 5.1 inches. The national average is a lot shorter than most men (and many women) realize.

Men’s Sexuality Myth #4: Men with Big Feet…

There is no scientific evidence that proves big feet mean a big “Happy Stick” (and a happier partner). However, there is a small amount of evidence that suggests a connection between finger length and “Happy Stick” length. I’m not saying you should be measuring his fingers instead of inquiring about his shoe size. It’s probably just better not to date someone based on what you think their size could be.

Men’s Sexuality Myth #5: They Reach Their Sexual Peak at 18

Men hit peak testosterone levels at 18 years of age, while a woman’s estrogen level peaks in her mid-20s. But this data has no bearing on sexual peak. Some people claim they were having the best sex of their lives in their teens and early 20s, while other claim they’re having better sex in their 30s, 40s, 50s and older! So, stop worrying about false data and don’t let it rule your sex life. And don’t think a man in his “golden years” can’t satisfy your sexual needs.

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  1. The statistical insights presented here are intriguing. It’s fascinating to see how societal pressures shape men’s narratives about themselves, often leading to a distorted view of their own sexuality.

  2. Ah yes, the ‘Happy Stick’ debate! Because clearly, finger length is a far more revolutionary metric. Next, you’ll tell us to measure their earlobes to determine fidelity. Hilarious!

  3. While the article tries to debunk myths, it feels overly forgiving towards men. It glosses over the negative aspects and responsibilities that men should be held accountable for in relationships.

  4. This article sheds light on a series of misconceptions that have plagued societal norms for far too long. It’s refreshing to see data-driven evidence being used to debunk these myths and promote a more honest dialogue about men’s sexuality.

  5. The author makes some valid points, but the selection of sources like Playboy magazine makes me question the reliability of the information. Academic journals and peer-reviewed studies would add a lot more credibility.


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