Intuition and Your Psychic Gift of Inheritance

Intuition: Your Psychic Gift and Inheritance

Most healers, psychics and intuitives are born with their gifts and are able to tap into them at will. And often people find that after they consult a psychic for a reading, they will become aware of and start developing their own psychic abilities.

All of us have inherited the gift of intuition. We come by our sixth sense as naturally as we would inherit physical traits, such as our eye color. Police officers and first responders often report sensing danger before entering a situation or having “gut feelings “about a person.

You’ve probably experienced similar feelings as well, where your intuition told you to stay put or when to run from a situation. When it hits, it’s so urgent and compelling that there’s no way that we can ignore it. It’s an instinct that we’ve learned to trust.

It’s a word that can refer to or hint at other similar abilities, such as psychic ability, telepathy, and empathy.

Where Does Intuition Come From?

The word “intuition “comes from the Latin word “intueri”, which means to consider, or to look upon or towards. This suggests an external vantage point, something from the outside looking in. It was suggested by Carl Jung that there are primitive forms of thought called archetypes, which are ever- present and accessible pools of knowledge that we can draw from.

Dr. Roger Sperry proposed in his research on what he called “split- brain “that intuition may have a neurological origin in the cerebral hemisphere. Plato said that there was a realm of ideas where information came from and that we dip into it and refer to the “knowing “that we get from it as intuition.

How to Strengthen Your Intuition

If you want to strengthen your intuition abilities, the best thing that you can do is to learn to love and honor yourself. Once you learn to trust your intuition, it will be easier to listen to it and to let it guide you.

Some other ways you can strengthen your intuition is to:

  • Meditate
  • Get away from electronics.
  • Exercise your body and your mind.
  • Practice listening to yourself.
  • Go out in nature.
  • Find other people that can help you increase your abilities.
  • Talk to friends and family about what you feel.
  • Pay attention to when you get something right after listening to your intuition.
  • Journal.

How to Tap into Your Abilities

How can you access and develop your natural abilities? Start by considering them as an essential part of everyday life. Your intuition is your ever – present and guide you through every day.

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