Can a Relationship Work After Infidelity?

Can a Relationship Work After Infidelity

It’s not about how strong your relationship is. It is all about temptation. Some can avoid temptation around others, but some can’t resist temptation. Whether it’s this hottie chick in your office, or this mysterious lady sitting just beside you at the bar, or even maybe the old flame.

A partnership’s commitment is perhaps the most difficult part in a relationship. You know that you have to be committed to your partner for a very long time and maybe even forever, and you don’t have a chance to change this fact, otherwise you will be a betrayer.

Betrayal has never been easy. Being betrayed is classified as one of the worst feelings has ever happened to anyone. You feel like that you have been stabbed by the person you trusted. Your lover pulled out a knife and stabbed you in the back or may be in the heart.

Therefore, no one wants to experience this bad feeling or even cause someone to feel betrayed. We have built-in brain safeguards who protect us from temptation and help us maintain our commitments. But it seems that these safeguards are stronger in women’s brains than in men’s brains.

Women’s infidelity:

Studies show that women are much more responsible than men are when it comes to a relationship’s commitment. Feeling guilty has long been seen as a female trait. Women feel more guilt than men. There is no surprise about the fact that women are more relationship-protectors by nature. They have a brain’s alarm bells when they fall into a situation that might threaten their relationship.

Men’s infidelity:

Unlike women, men are less conscious when it comes about an affair that threatens their relationships. They don’t think much about consequences of this relationship, despite they are much less serious about a transient relationship than women are.

BUT, when men feel that they need to protect their long-term relationship, they act immediately and block the alternatives. They are also more capable of forgetting these short-term relationships and turning their attention to their beloved ones.

What happens if your partner reveal your infidelity? Can the relationship be healed?

It’s understood that infidelity is very hard feeling and difficult to forget and leaves a deep wound which can’t be healed easily. However, using some techniques can help you heal your wounds and keep your relationship.

Listen: You need to listen to your partner and know what the reasons for his infidelity are, to prevent this happen again in the future and try to fulfill each other needs.

Address: After you address your partner’s needs and concerns, take his or her concerns seriously to make him or her feel valued and respected.

Love: LOVE is the key, continue to love each other and care for each other. Bring your partner flowers, buy him or her a present and spend more time together. Watch a movie you both like and forget a bit about your commitments and responsibilities.

Last but not least, FORGIVENESS: Forgive your partner if you know it was a mistake and you can help each other to get over it. It’s not easy to break up with your long-term partner and lose your marriage. SAVE your marriage and work more on it.

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  1. Historically, it has been seen that infidelity is a topic laden with emotional tumult and societal taboos. The article’s stance on understanding and forgiveness is commendable, albeit slightly utopian. The human psyche is far more complex than a few steps to forgiveness.

  2. I find this piece drastically oversimplifies the psychology behind infidelity with its sweeping generalizations about gender differences. Real-world relationships involve far more nuanced and varied factors than what has been outlined here.

  3. This article offers a refreshingly candid view on infidelity and relationships. It thoughtfully addresses the complexities of commitment and provides some constructive advice. It’s a bit heartening to see a balanced perspective on how to navigate through such difficult times.

  4. It’s almost laughable how this article suggests that men are inherently less responsible in relationships, only to then paradoxically state that they can ‘block the alternatives’ to protect long-term relationships.

    • Indeed, Joan. It’s quite paradoxical to say the least. One might wonder if this article is based on any credible psychological research or merely anecdotal observations.

  5. Oh sure, let’s just ‘love’ and ‘forgive’ our way out of betrayal wounds. Sprinkle some flowers on the gaping heart wound and everything will be peachy! What’s next, feeding your partner’s guilt with chocolate therapy?


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